Indra’s Net
In Hinduism, the ancient name for the divine creator of the universe was Indra.
This being is said to have caused a vast and infinite net, like an intricate spider’s web, to come into existence. Indra's net represents reality; containing everything that ever has, ever will, or currently does, exist.
A jewel sits at each of the infinite number of junctures. Each one is the essence of an individual, a consciousness, or a phenomenon.
Every gem on the net is interconnected and contains the essence of every other. Any change in one, is reflected everywhere. One way to think about this is to understand these gemlike nodes of reality, as part of a vast living organism; all breathing, evolving, changing at once.
Looking deeply into the heart of any jewel, allows us to see everything; every being, in every universe, at every time and in every dimension. Although each gem has its individual nature; knowing only one jewel is all that is necessary to know everything.
Indra’s net helps us realize that we are intimately connected with other humans, other sentient beings (from animals to insects to aliens), and the very planet we live on.
Every action we take is laden with great import and responsibility. Every action we take is deeply connected to what has happened, what is happening now, and what will happen.
Mindfulness practice allows us to glimpse the intricate and interconnected nature of reality. Living here, in Indra’s net, we are all able to be responsible, powerful and kind.
Breathing in I am a jewel in Indra’s net
Breathing out I am part of everything
Breathing in I send lovingkindness
Breathing in I am touched by reflected compassion
Breathing in I am part of vast possibility
Breathing out I am responsible for change
Breathing in I refrain from harm
Breathing out I am healed
May this information benefit you, those you love, and all sentient beings, everywhere.
-Ellen Adelman
© Ellen M. Adelman PhD 2013,
all rights reserved.
Mind Body Intelligence tm is a trademark of
Ellen M. Adelman PhD and the Sage Healing Institute.
For more information visit www.sagehealinginstitute.com.© Ellen M. Adelman PhD 2013, all rights reserved.
Indra’s Net
In Hinduism, the ancient name for the divine creator of the universe was Indra.
This being is said to have caused a vast and infinite net, like an intricate spider’s web, to come into existence. Indra's net represents reality; containing everything that ever has, ever will, or currently does, exist.
A jewel sits at each of the infinite number of junctures. Each one is the essence of an individual, a consciousness, or a phenomenon.
Every gem on the net is interconnected and contains the essence of every other. Any change in one, is reflected everywhere. One way to think about this is to understand these gemlike nodes of reality, as part of a vast living organism; all breathing, evolving, changing at once.
Looking deeply into the heart of any jewel, allows us to see everything; every being, in every universe, at every time and in every dimension. Although each gem has its individual nature; knowing only one jewel is all that is necessary to know everything.
Indra’s net helps us realize that we are intimately connected with other humans, other sentient beings (from animals to insects to aliens), and the very planet we live on.
Every action we take is laden with great import and responsibility. Every action we take is deeply connected to what has happened, what is happening now, and what will happen.
Mindfulness practice allows us to glimpse the intricate and interconnected nature of reality. Living here, in Indra’s net, we are all able to be responsible, powerful and kind.
Breathing in I am a jewel in Indra’s net
Breathing out I am part of everything
Breathing in I send lovingkindness
Breathing in I am touched by reflected compassion
Breathing in I am part of vast possibility
Breathing out I am responsible for change
Breathing in I refrain from harm
Breathing out I am healed
May this information benefit you, those you love, and all sentient beings, everywhere.
-Ellen Adelman
© Ellen M. Adelman PhD 2013,
all rights reserved.
Mind Body Intelligence tm is a trademark of
Ellen M. Adelman PhD and the Sage Healing Institute.
For more information visit www.sagehealinginstitute.com.© Ellen M. Adelman PhD 2013, all rights reserved.