In Mindfulness practice we notice the very human tendency to see the world in black and white. We place experience in categories like: Win or lose, right or wrong, my way or yours. This kind of thinking leads to the strife and bloodshed happening around the world today.
Attaching deeply to certain outcomes creates distress when things don’t go our way. We may easily forget that that there are infinite numbers of solutions to any given problem. Solutions that may be better than the ones we had envisioned.
Our legislators seem to be caught in the trap of attachment. The environment they live in supports belief in a single answer, and that answer is the party line.
They hear, “You are not free to make choices for the good of all, because you will lose your job. You must not look at other points of view because you might sway from the party’s position. If you compromise, you have lost.
It is difficult to walk a middle path; letting go of clinging and purely self-serving views. It takes courage to stand apart; opening to solutions that benefit the greatest number of people and discomfort the fewest.
Such a middle path is mindful government. It is not different from mindful parenting, where we sometimes put our own pleasure, or desires aside for the good of our children; and children are taught to put their pleasure aside for the greater good.
As our governments and legislators may adopt these lessons, we will see the evolution of humanity and the planet.
Peace in the world will come of this.
Breathing in I enter the present
Breathing out I feel open.
Breathing in I see my attachment
Breathing out I let go
Breathing in I am open to many solutions
Breathing out I let go of ownership.
Breathing in I am part of creative process
Breathing out I am one with others
Breathing in I come to true wisdom
Breathing out, Peace occurs.
May this information benefit you, those you love, and all sentient beings, everywhere.
-Ellen Adelman
© Ellen M. Adelman PhD 2013,
all rights reserved.
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