I Have Arrived; I Am Home
Opening the door after a long day at work or play. One deep breath of relief escapes our lips; coming home.
In this comfortable space, we are protected and safe from blazing sun or pelting rainstorm.
Here in this sacred refuge, heart is nurtured and hurts are healed.
Coming inside we see the familiar contours of the entry-way; the inviting sofa in the living room, the warm, yellow, glow of the kitchen light, inviting with the promise of something satisfying and delicious.
Human needs are acknowledged here, and lovingly fulfilled.
In this place of peace, the seed of mindfulness is often invited. Like a Benevolent Witness, fostering clarity and the courage to act with compassion, she holds us in her arms. We grow, here, into our deepest potential, as a source for wholesomeness and healing in the Universe.
The physical dwelling that we inhabit, is simply a reflection of our inner home. Through our mindfulness practice, we are able to build and enhance it, at any time, free of construction costs. No matter where we are, or in what circumstance, the path to this home must always be visible. Knowing this is the key to reduced suffering and a mindful life.
The following practice is adapted from one offered by the Zen Buddhist master, Thich Nhat Hanh. (Living without Stress or Fear Essential Teachings on the True Source of Happiness 5/1/2009).
Breathing into my body, I have arrived
Breathing out I am home.
Breathing in I notice my surroundings
Breathing out I see the path to my sanctuary
Breathing in I take in the distress inside and around me
Breathing out I send lovingkindness.
Breathing in I invite the seed of mindfulness
Breathing out I am with my Benevolent Witness
Breathing in I enter
Breathing out, I am home
May this information benefit you, those you love, and all sentient beings, everywhere.
-Ellen Adelman
© Ellen M. Adelman PhD 2013,
all rights reserved.
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© Ellen M. Adelman PhD 2013, all rights reserved.